April 1920
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Emanuel Carnevali
- Mary Gavin
- Cloyd Head
- Harriet Monroe
- Evelyn Scott
Table of Contents
Mary Gavin and Cloyd Head
Maurice Lesemann
Maurice Lesemann
Louise Redfield
Hazel Hall
Ellwood Colahan
Three Poems
Florence Wilkinson
Marya Zaturenska
Songs from a Book of Airs
Harriet Monroe
Mary Gavin and Cloyd Head
Evelyn Scott
John Gould Fletcher
Yvor Winters
Alice Corbin Henderson
Marjorie Allen Seiffert
Our Contemporaries
Emanuel Carnevali
- Mary Gavin
- Cloyd Head
- Maurice Lesemann
- Louise Redfield
- Hazel Hall
- Ellwood Colahan
- Florence Wilkinson
- Marya Zaturenska
- Harold Holston Wright
- Alice Corbin Henderson
- Harriet Monroe
- Evelyn Scott
- John Gould Fletcher
- Yvor Winters
- Marjorie Allen Seiffert
- Emanuel Carnevali