April 1947
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Clyde Park
- Babette Deutsch
- Myron Broomell
- Alan Dugan
- Donald Fairchild
Table of Contents
Four Poems
James Merrill
Marshall Schacht
Six Poems
Two Poems
Donald Fairchild
George Witter Sherman
Myron H. Broomell
Kenneth Koch
Edward Hudiburg
Two Poems
Herman Salinger
James M. Idema
H. B. Mallalieu
William Van O'Connor
Stanley Kunitz
Kenneth Burke
Evalyn Shapiro
Harvey Breit
John Nerber
- James Merrill
- Marshall Schacht
- Alan Dugan
- Donald Fairchild
- George Witter Sherman
- Myron H. Broomell
- Kenneth Koch
- Edward Hudiburg
- Herman Salinger
- James M. Idema
- H. B. Mallalieu
- William Van O'Connor
- Stanley Kunitz
- Kenneth Burke
- Evalyn Shapiro
- Harvey Breit
- John Nerber