April 1962
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Witter Bynner
- Alan Dugan
- Donald Hall
- John Hollander
- Amiri Baraka
Table of Contents
Elementary Attitudes
Mona Van Duyn
John Hollander
Amiri Baraka
Miller Williams
Philip Levine
Lisel Mueller
David Lougee
Donald Hall
Theodore Holmes
Morris Bishop
Elliott Coleman
Glauco Cambon
- Revolution and Tradition
- Reflections on a Literary Revolution, by Graham Hough
- A Primer of Ezra Pound, by M. L. Rosenthal
- Vision and Rhetoric: Studies in Modern Poetry, by G. S. Fraser
- Robert Frost, the Trial by Existence, by Elizabeth Shepley Sergeant
- Robert Bridges and Gerard Hopkins, 1863-1889: A Literary Friendship, by Jean-Georges Ritz
- D. H. Lawrence, The Failure and Triumph of Art, by Eliseo Vivas
Ralph J. Mills Jr.
William Meredith
Hayden Carruth
- Lisel Mueller
- Celeste Turner Wright
- Maxine Kumin
- David Lougee
- Donald Hall
- Witter Bynner
- Theodore Holmes
- Morris Bishop
- Elliott Coleman
- Glauco Cambon
- Ralph J. Mills Jr.
- William Meredith
- Hayden Carruth