April 1968
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Marvin Bell
- Wendell Berry
- Ross Feld
- Richard Hugo
- William Hunt
Table of Contents
Wendell Berry
Ross Feld
Richard Hugo
Paul Petrie
Constance Urdang
Two Poems for Benedetta Barzini
Gerard Malanga
Bruce Cutler
- Barbarous Knowledge: Myth in the Poetry of Yeats, Graves, and Muir, by Daniel Hoffman
- The New Poets: American and British Poetry Since World War II, by M. L. Rosenthal
- T. S. Eliot: Moments and Patterns, by Leonard Unger
- Theodore Roethke: An Introduction to the Poetry, by Karl Malkoff
- W. B. Yeats: Man and Poet, by Norman Jeffares
- Introductions and Conclusions
Gilbert Sorrentino
- Crystals, by Frank Samperi
- Definitions, by David Antin
- The Galilee Hitch-Hiker, by Richard Brautigan
- Voyages, by Robin Magowan
- Living with Chris, by Ted Berrigan
- Identikit, by Jim Brodey
- Aloud, by Bill Dodd
- Sing-Song, by Paul Blackburn
- Lachrymae Mateo, by Clayton Eshleman
- State of the Union, by Aimé Césaire (Tr. by Clayton Eshleman and Denis Kelly)
- Ten Pamphlets
- Wendell Berry
- Ross Feld
- James Welch
- Richard Hugo
- Paul Petrie
- Constance Urdang
- Gerard Malanga
- William Hunt
- Marvin Bell
- Howard Moss
- Wallace Fowlie
- Barry Spacks
- Bruce Cutler
- Gilbert Sorrentino