April 1985
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Wendy Barker
- Joan Colby
- Kevin Cole
- David Graham
- James Hall
Table of Contents
Hilda Morley
Judith Minty
Brigit Pegeen Kelly
Wendy Barker
Lucien Stryk
Linda Pastan
David M. Graham
Maura Stanton
Kevin Cole
Askold Melnyczuk
Joan Colby
Brief Reviews
- Hilda Morley
- Judith Minty
- Mary Oliver
- Brigit Pegeen Kelly
- Wendy Barker
- Lucien Stryk
- Linda Pastan
- David M. Graham
- Maura Stanton
- Kevin Cole
- Askold Melnyczuk
- Joan Colby
- James Baker Hall
- Vernon Shetley