April 2001
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Jim Barnes
- Alain Bosquet
- David Bottoms
- Tom Disch
- Pattiann Rogers
From this Issue
poemBy David WagonerThey’re tipping their battered derbies and striding forwardIn step for a change, chipper, self-assured,Their cardboard suitcases labeledGuest of Steerage. They’ve just arrived at the boot camp...
poemBy Gary Schmidgalli.110"Much too long" you say, Velox, censorious,Of my epigrams—that's quite uproarious.You write none. Your brevity is glorious.•Scribere me quereris, Velox, epigrammata longa.ipse nihil scribis: tu breviora facis?vi.60...
Table of Contents
Pattiann Rogers
David Bottoms
Tom Disch
George Scarbrough
Alain Bosquet
Gary Schmidgall
Jim Barnes
Alexa Selph
Robert B. Shaw
Lisa Williams
F. D. Reeve
Paul Breslin
- Alain Bosquet
- Gary Schmidgall
- Jim Barnes
- Alexa Selph
- Robert B. Shaw
- Lisa Williams
- F. D. Reeve
- Paul Breslin