August 1937
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Morton Zabel
- Rolf Adriansen
- Marion Bliss
- Harold Chown
- Dorothy Cooper
Table of Contents
The Unerring Flower
Public Garden
Marion Strobel
Ends for Silences
Rolf Adriansen
Brewster Ghiselin
Fragments of Time
Zuni Rituals
Katharine Kennedy
Enduring Sojourn
Marion Louise Bliss
Edna Davis Romig
Dorothy Cooper
Winona Montgomery Gilliland
David Greenhood
Five Poems
Harold Meredith Chown
Morton Dauwen Zabel
Charles K. Trueblood
Cleanth Brooks
Harold Rosenberg
Winfield Townley Scott
Samuel French Morse
John Cournos
- Paul Eaton Reeve
- Marion Strobel
- Rolf Adriansen
- Brewster Ghiselin
- Norman Macleod
- Katharine Kennedy
- Marion Louise Bliss
- Edna Davis Romig
- Dorothy Cooper
- Winona Montgomery Gilliland
- David Greenhood
- Harold Meredith Chown
- Morton Dauwen Zabel
- Charles K. Trueblood
- Cleanth Brooks
- Harold Rosenberg
- Winfield Townley Scott
- Samuel French Morse
- John Cournos