August 1943
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Edwin Honig
- William O'Connor
- John Pudney
- Peter De Vries
- Richard Crowder
Table of Contents
Seven Poems
Karl Shapiro
Louis Aragon
Two Poems
Ted Boorum
Three Poems for Mad Anne
Earl Mohn
James E. Schevill
Two Poems
William Jay Smith
Stephen Stepanchev
Lynn Riggs
Howard Nemerov
Four Poems
Roy Fuller
John Hay
Five Poems
Peter De Vries
Thomas Howells
Edwin Honig
Milton Hindus
- Karl Shapiro
- Louis Aragon
- Ted Boorum
- Earl Mohn
- James E. Schevill
- William Jay Smith
- Stephen Stepanchev
- Lynn Riggs
- Patrick Evans
- Howard Nemerov
- Randall Jarrell
- Roy Fuller
- John Hay
- Stanley Kunitz
- Peter De Vries
- Thomas Howells
- Edwin Honig
- Milton Hindus