August 1944
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Joseph Axelrod
- Marian Castleman
- Babette Deutsch
- Don Gordon
- Rolfe Humphries
Table of Contents
Five Poems
P. K. Page
Two Poems
Eve Merriam
Six Poems
Don Gordon
Rolfe Humphries
Two Poems
Byron Vazakas
Robert A. Johnston
The Faraway Island
Babette Deutsch
Selwyn S. Schwartz
Five Poems
Randall Jarrell
Milton A. Kaplan
D. S. Savage
E. S. Forgotson
Ruth Dart Stephan
- P. K. Page
- Eve Merriam
- Ray Smith
- Don Gordon
- Rolfe Humphries
- Byron Vazakas
- Robert A. Johnston
- Babette Deutsch
- Selwyn S. Schwartz
- Randall Jarrell
- Milton A. Kaplan
- D. S. Savage
- E. S. Forgotson
- Ruth Dart Stephan