August 1972
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Turner Cassity
- C. Cavafy
- John Foster
- David Galler
- Marilyn Hacker
Table of Contents
Three Poems by C. P. Cavafy
Three Poems by Yannis Ritsos
Yannis Ritsos
Anghelos Sikelianos
Two Poems by Angelos Sikelianus
Anghelos Sikelianos
Kostes Palamas
Three Poems by C. P. Cavafy
Robert Morse
David Galler
H. B. Mallalieu
Marilyn Hacker
A. D. Hope
Turner Cassity
Daryl Hine
John L. Foster
- C. P. Cavafy
- Yannis Ritsos
- Anghelos Sikelianos
- Kostes Palamas
- Robert Morse
- David Galler
- H. B. Mallalieu
- Marilyn Hacker
- A. D. Hope
- Turner Cassity
- Daryl Hine
- Richard Howard
- Philip Murray
- John L. Foster