August 2001
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Billy Collins
- W. Di Piero
- Michelle Boisseau
- Debra Bruce
- Naomi Carlson
From this Issue
poemBy Billy CollinsHow exhilarating it was to marchalong the great boulevardsin the sunflash of trumpetsand under all the waving flags—the flag of ambition, the flag of love.So many of us streaming along—all of humanity, really—moving in perfect...
poemBy Sharon OldsAs we sat at the feet of the string quartet,in their living room, on a winter night,through the hardwood floor spurts and gulpsand tips and shudders came up, and the candle-scentair was...
poemBy Connie WanekThe wind cooled as it crossed the open pondand drove little waves toward us,brisk, purposeful wavesthat vanished at our feet, such energythwarted by so little elevation.The wind was endless, seamless,old as the earth.Insects cameto regard us with favor. I felt...
Table of Contents
Billy Collins
Linda Pastan
Debra Bruce
Sharon Olds
Vicki Graham
Harry Clifton
Michelle Boisseau
Susan Kelly-DeWitt
Connie Wanek
Naomi Carlson
Ian Tromp
- Billy Collins
- Linda Pastan
- Debra Bruce
- Sharon Olds
- Vicki Graham
- Harry Clifton
- Michelle Boisseau
- Susan Kelly-DeWitt
- Dong-Seon Hahm
- Connie Wanek
- Naomi Carlson
- Trevor West Knapp
- Ellen Hinsey
- Ian Tromp