December 1922
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Babette Deutsch
- Amy Lowell
- Harriet Monroe
- Eunice Tietjens
- Kay Boyle
Table of Contents
Southern April
Kay Boyle
Henry Dumont
In China
Ruth Tenney
Frances Morrison
Doris Campbell
Two Poems
Harold Lewis Cook
Nora B. Cunningham
Alter Brody
Louise Redfield
Pearl Andelson Sherry
Modern German Poems
Wilhelm Klemm
Rainer Maria Rilke
Franz Werfel
Albert Ehrenstein
Georg Heym
Richard Schaukal
Arno Holz
Harriet Monroe
Babette Deutsch
Agnes Lee
Harriet Monroe
Virgil Geddes
Nelson Antrim Crawford
Amy Lowell
- Amy Lowell
- Kay Boyle
- Henry Dumont
- Ruth Tenney
- Frances Morrison
- H. W. Stewart
- Doris Campbell
- Harold Lewis Cook
- Nora B. Cunningham
- Alter Brody
- Louise Redfield
- Pearl Andelson Sherry
- Wilhelm Klemm
- Rainer Maria Rilke
- Franz Werfel
- Albert Ehrenstein
- Georg Heym
- Richard Schaukal
- Arno Holz
- Harriet Monroe
- Babette Deutsch
- Agnes Lee
- Virgil Geddes
- Nelson Antrim Crawford