December 1968
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Robert Chatain
- Robert Duncan
- Josephine Jacobsen
- Mark McCloskey
- W. Merwin
Table of Contents
W. S. Merwin
Robert Chatain
Josephine Jacobsen
Ray Smith
Mark McCloskey
May Swenson
Robert Duncan
Michael Benedikt
- Baseball, by George Bowering
- The Experience of Literature (Ed. by Lionel Trilling)
- The Congresswomen of Aristophanes (Tr. by Douglass Parker)
- Sixty Poems of Martial (Tr. by Dudley Fitts)
- Poems after Martial (Tr. by Philip Murray)
- I Do Best Alone at Night,by Gunnar Ekelf(Ed. and tr. by Robert Bly with Christina Paulson)
- Poems for People Who Don't Read Poems, by Hans Magnus Enzensberger (Tr. by Michael Hamburger, Jerome Rothenberg, and the author)
- Visions of Christ, by Rainer Maria Rilke (Ed. by Siegfried Mandel) (Tr. by Aaron Kramer)
- Poems from the German (Ed. by Helen Plotz)
- Poems from France (Ed. by William Jay Smith)
- The Penguin Book of Modern Verse in Translation (Ed. by George Steiner)
- Bean Spasms, by Ted Berrigan and Ron Padgett
- The Buddha Uproar, by John Tagliabue
- The Shapes of Nature
- Word Alchemy, by Lenore Kandel
- Water I Slip Into at Night and 25 Stages of My Spine, by Margaret Randall
- Not Only That, by Carroll Arnett
- Sled Hill Voices, by Aram Saroyan
- Waking Up Still Pickled, by Geof Hewitt
- The Binnacle, by Robert Peterson
- What the Grass Says, by Charles Simic
- O'Ryan, by Charles Olson
- Covenants, by Robert Stock
- The Marches, by James Scully
- So Long at the Fair, by Miller Williams
- Body Rags, by Galway Kinnell
- W. S. Merwin
- Robert Chatain
- Josephine Jacobsen
- Ray Smith
- Mark McCloskey
- May Swenson