December 1981
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Alexander Albertus
- Amy Clampitt
- Stephen Dunn
- Robert Farnsworth
- Horace Gregory
Table of Contents
Horace Gregory
Robert Farnsworth
Jonathan Sisson
Amy Clampitt
David Weiss
Philip Martin
Barry Spacks
Reg Saner
Carolyne Wright
Ernest Sandeen
Alexander Albertus
Stephen Dunn
Ronald Lee Perry
Robert B. Shaw
- Lisel Mueller
- Horace Gregory
- Robert Farnsworth
- Jonathan Sisson
- Amy Clampitt
- David Weiss
- Philip Martin
- Barry Spacks
- Reg Saner
- Carolyne Wright
- Ernest Sandeen
- Alexander Albertus
- William Heyen
- Stephen Dunn
- Ronald Lee Perry
- Robert B. Shaw