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December 2018

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Eileen Myles
  • Danez Smith
  • Christian Wiman
  • Rick Barot
  • Paige Lewis
POETRY Magazine cover of December 2018 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine The Jealous Minor Gods

      By Amy Beeder
      I have hidden your lost teeth in the net of all my famous hair
      And with foresight promised your umbilicus

      To several minor gods. I paid your fee in fawn skin
      & the lightest fringe of tissue, all the quiet noons assembled,

      In yard...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine For My Friend

      By Eileen Myles
      for people
      than dogs
      nothing better than ma
      you scream
      here. There were
      two super
      new cars
      and then
      some pink

    • poem
      By Nikki Wallschlaeger
      Is that your house he asked
      This used to be my house I said

      But those are not your people
      So that can’t be your house

      But it is my house I said
      I had some people maybe a few

      Even though those are not your...

From the Editors of Poetry

Table of Contents