Ego Dormio: [All perishes and passes]

[Alle perisches and passes pat we with eghe see] 

It wanes into wrechednes, þe welth of þis worlde.
Robes and ritches rotes in dike,
Prowde payntyng slakes into sorow,
Delites and drewryse stynk sal ful sone,
Þair golde and þaire tresoure drawes þam til dede.
Al þe wikked of þis worlde drawes til a dale,
Þat þai may se pare sorowyng, whare waa es ever
Bot he may syng of solace, þat lufes Jhesu Criste.
Þe wretchesse fra wele falles into hell.

Original text dates c. 1340-1349, authored by Richard Rolle. Source language text is public domain.

Richard Rolle, “[Ego Dormio II.]” from English Writings of Richard Rolle, Hermit of Hampole, edited by Hope Emily Allen. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1963.