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Harriet: News & Community

A literary blog about poetry and related news

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Showing 51 to 60 of 1,177 Blog Posts
  • Featured Blogger
    By Tamiko Beyer August 2, 2021

    A section of my bookshelf is dedicated to my most delicate, most precious books. They are hand-made, photocopied, stitched, or held together by binder clips. They are zines and comics....

    Assortment of chapbooks and zines.
  • Featured Blogger
    By Nicholas Wong July 19, 2021

      “[T]he drawing/ starts with a jab and goes/ round and round larger and/ larger  faster and faster/ like the children who swirl/ faster and faster–” (Louise Bourgeois). I, too, need to...

    Drawing with text on cardboard cutout in the shape of a vinyl, multicolor.
  • Featured Blogger
    By Nicholas Wong July 6, 2021

    “There’s no clarity,” a gallery director said about my artwork. “It’s not visually appealing, either.” His words hit me, half traumatizing me and half pushing me to reflect on my...

    Image of Nicholas Wong collage artwork.
  • Featured Blogger
    By Silvina López Medin June 28, 2021

    In late 2021, Ugly Duckling Presse, where I am an editor, will publish a trilingual edition (in Guaraní, Spanish, and English) of a chapbook by the contemporary Paraguayan poet Miguelángel...

    Photo of Elisa Taber
  • Featured Blogger
    By Silvina López Medin June 7, 2021

    In the opening paragraph of her book, MOTHERs, Rachel Zucker says, “In fifteen minutes I’ll need to stop writing and pick up my son.” I had never encountered that feeling...

  • Featured Blogger
    By Alessandra Lynch May 17, 2021

    I love lighthouses, shafts of light tilting into water, scanning slowly back and forth. Some of them radiating several planes of foggy light, ghostly windmills. Some with thin beams, piercing as the...

    Colorful woodcut of lighthouse, harbor and boats.
  • Featured Blogger
    By Alessandra Lynch May 6, 2021

    In this harsh light, in this siren-light, these panics, this pandemic, the air heavy with gloom, with violence—the news hard to bear, sleep broken into nightly by that assailant Terror,...

    image of old green telephone handset receiver
  • Featured Blogger
    By Benjamín Naka-Hasebe Kingsley April 28, 2021

    Again and again, we press the needle of experience into our body and push: You and I step onto the platform, one body inside another, consciousness to consciousness—upon a chalk-dusted stage—we...

    Cover image of Benjamin Naka-Hasebe Kingsley's Book, DEMOS
  • Featured Blogger
    By Benjamín Naka-Hasebe Kingsley April 14, 2021

    An eighteen-gauge syringe teeters like a spent cigarette on the edge of a kitchen plate. The pinky-length needle is gently curved with reuse, sticky now with amber, the dark honey...

    Hypodermic needle against pink background.
  • Featured Blogger
    By Alice Notley March 23, 2021

    This book forthcoming, my first art book, has happened so quickly, as “written” and as published, that I can scarcely describe it. As I say in my intro, I bought...

    flower drawing and handwritten poem by Alice Notley, from her book Runes and Chords
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