February 1929
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Lew Sarett
- H. Davis
- Mildred Bowers
- Herbert Bruncken
- Miriam De Ford
Table of Contents
Grey Leaves and Gold
Frances Beatrice Taylor
Grain of the Wood
Charles Oluf Olsen
Voices out of the Land
Leo L. Ward
Two Poems
Miriam Allen De Ford
Daniel Catton Rich
Two Poems
Ethel Woodruff Macy
Two Men
Mildred Bowers
Flora Brent Hamilton
Jon Ben Holland
Herbert Gerhard Bruncken
Lew R. Sarett
Walter Kidd
Herbert S. Gorman
Marion Strobel
Morton Dauwen Zabel
Margery Swett Mansfield
Herbert S. Gorman
H. L. Davis
- James J. Ryan
- Frances Beatrice Taylor
- Charles Oluf Olsen
- Leo L. Ward
- Kathleen Millay
- Miriam Allen De Ford
- Daniel Catton Rich
- Ethel Woodruff Macy
- Mildred Bowers
- Helen Maring
- Flora Brent Hamilton
- Jon Ben Holland
- Herbert Gerhard Bruncken
- Lew R. Sarett
- Walter Kidd
- Herbert S. Gorman
- Marion Strobel
- Morton Dauwen Zabel
- Margery Swett Mansfield
- H. L. Davis