February 1941
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Thornton Wilder
- E. Brown
- Elizabeth Bohm
- John Brinnin
- Edwin Burrows
Table of Contents
Two Poems
Robert Penn Warren
Two Poems
Theodore Roethke
Three Poems
Edward A. Richards
Babette Deutsch
Two Poems
Virginia Lyne Tunstall
Florence Ripley Mastin
Denis Devlin
Harry Roskolenko
Four Poems
Elizabeth Bohm
Dorothy Dow
Edwin Gladding Burrows
Susan Clay Sawitzky
Ewart Milne
From "The Lincoln Lyrics"
John Malcolm Brinnin
Henry W. Rago
Ruth Lechlitner
Kathleen Foster Campbell
Robert Liddell Lowe
Babette Deutsch
Thornton Wilder
- Robert Penn Warren
- Theodore Roethke
- Edward A. Richards
- Babette Deutsch
- Virginia Lyne Tunstall
- Florence Ripley Mastin
- Denis Devlin
- Harry Roskolenko
- Elizabeth Bohm
- Dorothy Dow
- Edwin Gladding Burrows
- Susan Clay Sawitzky
- Ewart Milne
- John Malcolm Brinnin
- Henry W. Rago
- Ruth Lechlitner
- Kathleen Foster Campbell
- Robert Liddell Lowe
- Thornton Wilder