February 1945
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Thomas Duncan
- Brewster Ghiselin
- Josephine Miles
- Lawrence Olson
- John Poole
Table of Contents
Three Poems
May Sarton
Two Poems
James Steel Smith
Three Poems
Lawrence Olson
Brewster Ghiselin
Three Poems
John Morton Poole
Two Poems
Thomas W. Duncan
Jacqueline Steiner
Seven Poems
Josephine Miles
Dylan Thomas
Francis C. Golffing
S. Ichiye Hayakawa
John Frederick Nims
Inez Boulton
Francis Coleman Rosenberger
Bernard Raymund
Augustine Bowe
Judith S. Bond
Donald F. Drummond
Milton Hindus
- May Sarton
- James Steel Smith
- Lawrence Olson
- Brewster Ghiselin
- John Morton Poole
- Thomas W. Duncan
- Jacqueline Steiner
- Josephine Miles
- Dylan Thomas
- Francis C. Golffing
- S. Ichiye Hayakawa
- John Frederick Nims
- Inez Boulton
- Francis Coleman Rosenberger
- Bernard Raymund
- Augustine Bowe
- Judith S. Bond
- Donald F. Drummond
- Milton Hindus