February 1954
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- John McCormick
- Charles Bell
- Louis Coxe
- Judson Crews
- Reuel Denney
Table of Contents
Three Poems
Reuel Denney
Two Poems
Dilys Bennett Laing
Judson Crews
Naomi Replansky
Louis O. Coxe
Mississippi Return
Charles G. Bell
Paul Goodman
Three Poems
Richard Wilbur
London Letter
John McCormick
John H. Meyer
Rosalind Levine
Melvin B. Tolson
G. Robert Stange
Hugh Kenner
- Reuel Denney
- Dilys Bennett Laing
- Judson Crews
- Naomi Replansky
- Louis O. Coxe
- Charles G. Bell
- Paul Goodman
- Richard Wilbur
- John McCormick
- John H. Meyer
- Rosalind Levine
- Melvin B. Tolson
- G. Robert Stange
- Hugh Kenner