February 1970
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- A. Ammons
- Stephen Dobyns
- William Hunt
- Jean Malley
- William Meredith
Table of Contents
Florence Trefethen
Stephen Dobyns
Life of a Queen
Lisel Mueller
Hy Sobiloff
William Meredith
Richard Eberhart
Laurence Lieberman
- Poet-Critics and Scholar-Critics
- Hart Crane: An Introduction to the Poetry, by Herbert Leibowitz
- The Poetry of Emily Dickinson, by Ruth Miller
- The Gaiety of Language: An Essay on the Radical Poetics of W. B. Yeats and Wallace Stevens, by Frank Lentricchia
- Poetic Closure: A Study of How Poems End, by Barbara Herrnstein Smith
- Essays and Reviews, by Thomas H. Carter
- Introduction to Poetry: Commentaries on Thirty Poems, by Mark Van Doren
- To Abolish Children and Other Essays, by Karl Shapiro
- Babel to Byzantium: Poets and Poetry Now, by James Dickey
Peter Dale Scott
- The Dainty Monsters, by Michael Ondaatje
- Lebanon Voices, by Bill Bissett
- Fireweed, by Ken Belford
- Pointing, by Lionel Kearns
- What They Say and Black Night Window, by John Newlove
- Winter of the Luna Moth, by Joe Rosenblatt
- Total War, by Harry Howith
- Kingdom of Absence and Civil Elegies, by Dennis Lee
- If There Are Any Noahs, by Jim Brown
- 21 X 3, by Dorothy Farmiloe, Len Gasparini, and Eugene McNamara
- Collected Poems, by Red Lane
- As Is, by Raymond Souster
- The Shattered Plinths, by Irving Layton
- Memory No Servant, by Earle Birney
- A Canadian Chronicle
John Unterecker
- A. R. Ammons
- William Hunt
- Florence Trefethen
- Stephen Dobyns
- Lisel Mueller
- Hy Sobiloff
- Jean Malley
- William Meredith
- Richard Eberhart
- Laurence Lieberman
- Peter Dale Scott
- John Unterecker