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February 2007

My Heart," 2006

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Albert Goldbarth
  • Todd Boss
  • Talvikki Ansel
  • W. Di Piero
  • Joel Brouwer
POETRY Magazine cover of February 2007 issue, featuring illustration "My Heart"
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine The Hush of the Very Good

      By Todd Boss
      You can tell by how he lists
      to let her
      kiss him, that...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine A Single Night in the City of Gold

      By Debora Greger
      In the lost city of gold that was Oroville,
      the golden age had come and gone.
      I was the only person in the vast movie house.
      What was showing that winter night
      thirty years ago? The Gold Rush, of course,
      as if it had arrived...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Eros of Heroines

      By Ange Mlinko
      Sunset backlights some pine to ... a caped sponge
      and though I throw my gasp after a monarch there is no hitch,
      no hitching either to its serape or the echoing orange
      drawing a rope, horizon’s doubledutch.

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