January 1922
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Baker Brownell
- Jean Catel
- Harriet Monroe
- Dorothy Aldis
- Helen Crew
Table of Contents
Robert Frost
Songs of Night
Esther Louise Ruble
Glenn Ward Dresbach
Two Poems
Grace Fallow Norton
Julia R. Reynolds
Helen Coale Crew
Dorothy Keeley Aldis
Four Poems
Ernest Walsh
Ellen Margaret Janson
William Carlos Williams
Harriet Monroe
Baker Brownell
Harriet Monroe
Dorothy Dudley
Harriet Monroe
Our Contemporaries
Jean Catel
- Robert Frost
- Marjorie Meeker
- Esther Louise Ruble
- Glenn Ward Dresbach
- Grace Fallow Norton
- Julia R. Reynolds
- Helen Coale Crew
- Dorothy Keeley Aldis
- Ernest Walsh
- Ellen Margaret Janson
- William Carlos Williams
- Harriet Monroe
- Baker Brownell
- Dorothy Dudley
- Jean Catel