January 1927
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Harriet Monroe
- H. Davis
- Benjamin Brooks
- Robert Burgess
- Gladys Campbell
Table of Contents
H. L. Davis
Carl Lamson Carmer
San Franciscans
Robert Louis Burgess
Charles Gillette
H. R. Hays
Gwendolen Haste
Glenn Ward Dresbach
Two Poems
Bertha Ten Eyck James
Maud Elfrid Uschold
Chard Powers Smith
Frances Beatrice Taylor
Two Poems
Benjamin Gilbert Brooks
Samuel M. Sargent Jr.
Harriet Monroe
Harriet Monroe
Marion Strobel
Marie Luhrs
Margery Swett Mansfield
Brief Notices
- H. L. Davis
- Carl Lamson Carmer
- Robert Louis Burgess
- Charles Gillette
- H. R. Hays
- Gwendolen Haste
- Glenn Ward Dresbach
- Bertha Ten Eyck James
- Maud Elfrid Uschold
- Chard Powers Smith
- Frances Beatrice Taylor
- Benjamin Gilbert Brooks
- Samuel M. Sargent Jr.
- Gladys Campbell
- Harriet Monroe
- Marion Strobel
- Marie Luhrs
- Margery Swett Mansfield