January 1928
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Harriet Monroe
- Glenn Dresbach
- Frances Frost
- Robinson Jeffers
- Oliver Jenkins
Table of Contents
Three Poems
Robinson Jeffers
Five Poems
Glenn Ward Dresbach
Frances M. Frost
Two Poems
Marian Storm
Dorothy E. Reid
Virginia Moore
Things and Venus
Morton Dauwen Zabel
Harriet Monroe
Morton Dauwen Zabel
Nelson Antrim Crawford
John Rodker
Harriet Monroe
Marie Luhrs
Nelson Antrim Crawford
Brief Notices
Oliver Jenkins
Morton Dauwen Zabel
- Robinson Jeffers
- Glenn Ward Dresbach
- Oliver Jenkins
- Anne Singleton
- Frances M. Frost
- Marian Storm
- Dorothy E. Reid
- Virginia Moore
- Morton Dauwen Zabel
- Harriet Monroe
- Nelson Antrim Crawford
- John Rodker
- Marie Luhrs