- A. Moritz
- Brian Swann
- Dan Howell
- Dana Levin
- David Mason
From this Issue
poemBy Dana LevinAnd blush for a cheek of stone.Blush for the lips sewn tight with thread, no speech for the deadmaker—You’ve got the razor. You can make each suture snap....
poemBy Brian SwannKnots, a thousand lights, insheer dark, aimed at my window,tinny crystals, so mother diesin my sleep. The snow turnscoarse, goes out. An axe soundswhere I'd never heard...
poemBy Mary KarrBefore my first communion, I clung to doubtas Satan spider-like stalkedthe orb of dark surrounding Edenfor a wormhole into...
Table of Contents
Pattiann Rogers
Stephen Dunn
Dana Levin
Dan Howell
Patty Seyburn
David Mason
A. F. Moritz
Peter Campion
Brian Swann
Elton Glaser
Mary Karr
J. T. Barbarese
David Biespiel
Meghan O'Rourke and A.E. Stallings
Aleksandar Hemon
Jon Mooallem
Martha Nussbaum
Eavan Boland
Mary Kinzie
Brian Phillips
Peter Campion
Emily Warn
- Aleksandar Hemon
- Jon Mooallem
- Martha Nussbaum
- Eavan Boland
- Mary Kinzie
- Brian Phillips
- Emily Warn