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January 2006

Milton Glaser, Untitled, 1985

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Thylias Moss
  • Megan Grumbling
  • Joshua Weiner
  • Tony Hoagland
  • W. Di Piero
POETRY Magazine cover of January 2006 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine The Subculture of the Wrongfully Accused

      By Thylias Moss
      Ultimately improved by it:slant light
      hitting his prison obliquely

      near the state bird’s pointed headaccentuated
      crest, the black-ringed bill

      from which wheat-wheat-wheat-wheat
      from which whoit cheer, whoit cheer;cheer- cheer-cheer

      inspired Ronald Cotton to listen
      as in his head, the solitary cardinalindulged...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Raking near the Great Works

      By Megan Grumbling
      October, and the leaves turned late but strong.
      Rock maples and the reds, clear brazen, blaze
      long-burning feats of sugar through our ways.
      Their strident hold upon the back roads pulls
      our morning drive, out to where Oak Woods Road...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine The Guru

      By A. F. Moritz
      Here comes the wise man in the story of sick times,
      telling you how to find the passage of satisfaction.
      He is many million years old and has been walking
      many thousand miles, more miles, more lengths of road

Table of Contents
