- James Tate
- Jorie Graham
- Yi Sang
- Khaled Mattawa
- Anne Winters
From this Issue
poemBy John ShoptawUnlike the monarch, thoughthe asteroid also slippedquietly from its colonyon its annular migrationbetween Jupiter and Mars,enticed maybe byour planetary pollenas the monarch by my neighbor’sslender-leaved milkweed.Unlike it even whenthe fragrant Cretaceousatmosphere meteorizedthe airborne rock,flaring it into what mighthave looked to...
poemBy Adrienne SuWhat would the lovely Yang Guifei,concubine to the emperor,a Helen of China, have madeof our gleaming grocery stores,always awash in berries, melons,tangerines? Her passion for lychees,rushed north by a chain of horsemen,laid waste to a dynasty.She must have understood,at least...
From the Editors of Poetry
AudioFrom The Poetry Magazine Podcast January 2019
Stephen Duffy reads from “What the Fuck Was I Thinking,” his essay in the January 2019 issue of Poetry, and shares some of his music.
Table of Contents
Don Share
John Shoptaw
James Tate
Adrienne Su
Mira Rosenthal
Claudine Toutoungi
Yi Sang
Kai Conradi
Ken Chen
Khaled Mattawa
Anne Winters
Bradley Trumpfheller
Ching-In Chen
Jorie Graham
Charles North
Willie Perdomo
Stephen Ira
Elizabeth Metzger
Michael Farrell
Joy Ladin
Reginald Gibbons
From a Frank O'Hara Notebook
Bill Berkson
Stephen Duffy
Mark Ford