July 1921
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Jean Catel
- Harriet Monroe
- Babette Deutsch
- Louis Golding
- William Norris
Table of Contents
Gallery of Paintings
Marjorie Allen Seiffert
Under the Tree
Elizabeth Madox Roberts
Semper Eadem
Babette Deutsch
Four Poems
Josephine Pinckney
Harold Vinal
Louis Golding
William A. Norris
Golden Darkness
Harriet Monroe
Harriet Monroe
Laura Sherry
Marion Strobel
Oscar Williams
Alice Corbin Henderson
Jean Catel
- Marjorie Allen Seiffert
- Elizabeth Madox Roberts
- Babette Deutsch
- Josephine Pinckney
- Harold Vinal
- Louis Golding
- William A. Norris
- Oscar Williams
- Harriet Monroe
- Laura Sherry
- Marion Strobel
- Alice Corbin Henderson
- Jean Catel