July 1934
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Morton Zabel
- Stanley Burnshaw
- Laura Bird
- R. Blackmur
- Robert Brittain
Table of Contents
Irrealistic Verses
W. W. E. Ross
R. P. Blackmur
Against Death
Naomi Replansky
Robert Miller
Agnes Lee
Delicate Meshes
Marguerite Young
May Williams Ward
Marion Ethel Hamilton
Robert Penn Warren
Emblems of Air
A. J. M. Smith
Robert Brittain
George Edward Hoffman
A Weathered Grove
Lincoln Fitzell
Marie Luhrs
Genevieve Taggard
Stanley Burnshaw
Joseph M. Hone
William Carlos Williams
Harriet Monroe
Rolfe Humphries
John Gould Fletcher
Jessica Nelson North
- W. W. E. Ross
- R. P. Blackmur
- Naomi Replansky
- Robert Miller
- Agnes Lee
- Marguerite Young
- May Williams Ward
- Laura Lee Bird
- Marion Ethel Hamilton
- Robert Penn Warren
- A. J. M. Smith
- Robert Brittain
- George Edward Hoffman
- Lincoln Fitzell
- Marie Luhrs
- Genevieve Taggard