July 1936
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Ezra Pound
- George Allen
- Lawrence Bostwick
- Harry Brown
- Isabel Campbell
Table of Contents
Return on a Shield
James J. Ryan
For All Living
Madeline Gleason
George Allen
Rough Ground
Lincoln Fitzell
Miriam Kaplan
David Schubert
Marion Doyle
Closer than Wind
Charlotte Kellogg
Theodore Roethke
Dew Shining
Frances Frieseke
Isabel Jones Campbell
East Wind, West Wind
Lawrence Bostwick
Harriet Monroe
Horace Gregory
Morton Dauwen Zabel
Stanley Kunitz
- Harry Brown
- James J. Ryan
- Madeline Gleason
- George Allen
- Lincoln Fitzell
- Miriam Kaplan
- David Schubert
- Marion Doyle
- Charlotte Kellogg
- Theodore Roethke
- Frances Frieseke
- Isabel Jones Campbell
- Lawrence Bostwick
- Harriet Monroe
- Horace Gregory
- Morton Dauwen Zabel
- Stanley Kunitz