July 1991
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Ralph Angel
- Thomas Brush
- Billy Collins
- Mark Doty
- Debora Greger
Table of Contents
Mark Halliday
Billy Collins
Reg Saner
Ronald Wilson
Daniel Hall
Ralph Angel
Jeanne Murray Walker
Constance Urdang
Yannis Ritsos
Rei Terada
Debora Greger
Mark Doty
Necessary Measures
Stephen Yenser
- Necessary Measures
- The Collected Poems of Henri Coulette (Ed. by Donald Justice and Robert Mezey) [Wallace Stevens]
- When One Has Lived a Long Time Alone, by Galway Kinnell
- Going Back to the River, by Marilyn Hacker
- Annonciade, by Elizabeth Spires
- On Ballycastle Beach, by Medbh McGuckian
- The Venus Hottentot, by Elizabeth Alexander [Albert Murray]
- For Louis Pasteur, by Edgar Bowers
- Mark Halliday
- Billy Collins
- Reg Saner
- Ronald Wilson
- Daniel Hall
- Rei Terada
- Debora Greger
- Mark Doty
- Thomas Brush
- Stephen Yenser