June 1929
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Ezra Pound
- Morton Zabel
- Harriet Monroe
- Kenneth Alling
- Nanita Balcom
Table of Contents
Six Poems
Maurice Lesemann
Stony Water
Jean Starr Untermeyer
Catherine Moore
From a Younger Country
A. R. D. Fairburn
Green Galleries
Hildegarde Flanner
Mona Douglas
Two Songs
Nanita Mac D. Balcom
Beside the Lake
Siddie Joe Johnson
Leaves in Windy Weather
Eunice Tietjens
Colored Shadows
Emily Powers Iglehart
Kenneth Slade Alling
Siren and Signal
Louis Zukofsky
Morton Dauwen Zabel
Jessica Nelson North
Gladys Campbell
Morton Dauwen Zabel
Sterling North
Alexander Laing
Harriet Monroe
Harriet Monroe
- Maurice Lesemann
- Jean Starr Untermeyer
- Catherine Moore
- A. R. D. Fairburn
- Hildegarde Flanner
- Mona Douglas
- Nanita Mac D. Balcom
- Siddie Joe Johnson
- Eunice Tietjens
- Emily Powers Iglehart
- Kenneth Slade Alling
- Louis Zukofsky
- Morton Dauwen Zabel
- Jessica Nelson North
- Llewellyn Jones
- Gladys Campbell
- Sterling North
- Alexander Laing
- Harriet Monroe
- Ezra Pound