June 1964
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Vassilis Vassilikos
- Henry Rago
- Michael Benedikt
- Stephen Berg
- James Broughton
Table of Contents
Marie Ponsot
James Broughton
Harry Strickhausen
Philip Murray
Stephen Berg
Robert Krieger
Michael Benedikt
Cid Corman
Vassilis Vassilikos
Gilbert Sorrentino
Edward Dorn
A. R. Ammons
Wallace Fowlie
- Four Poets and Two Dramatists
- The Poetry of Villon, by John Fox
- Apollinaire: Poet Among the Painters, by Francis Steegmuller
- Mallarmé and the Symbolist Drama, by Haskell M. Block
- The Design of Rimbaud's Poetry, by John Porter Houston
- Corneille, by P. J. Yarrow
- The Art of Jean Racine, by Bernard Weinberg
Henry W. Rago
Roger Hecht
- Robert Creeley
- Marie Ponsot
- James Broughton
- Harry Strickhausen
- Philip Murray
- Stephen Berg
- Robert Krieger
- Michael Benedikt
- Cid Corman
- Paul Van Ostaijen
- Vassilis Vassilikos
- Gilbert Sorrentino
- Edward Dorn
- A. R. Ammons
- Wallace Fowlie
- Henry W. Rago
- Roger Hecht