June 1989
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Jared Carter
- John Dickson
- Stephen Dobyns
- Miriam Goodman
- Bruce Guernsey
Table of Contents
J. P. White
Bruce Guernsey
Harry Humes
Robert Wrigley
J. W. Rivers
Jared Carter
John Dickson
Robert Hill Long
Lucien Stryk
Jon Tribble
Miriam Goodman
Mary Kinzie
- Applied Poetry
- Selected Poems of Anne Sexton (Ed. by Diane Wood Middlebrook and Diana Hume George)
- I'm Deadly Serious, by Chris Wallace-Crabbe
- Home Free, by Diana O'Hehir
- Blood Pressure, by Sandra M. Gilbert
- It Was Fever That Made the World, by Jim Powell
- A Schedule of Benefits, by John N. Morris
- [C. S. Lewis]
- Stephen Dobyns
- J. P. White
- Bruce Guernsey
- Harry Humes
- Robert Wrigley
- J. W. Rivers
- Jared Carter
- John Dickson
- Robert Hill Long
- Brent Hendricks
- Lucien Stryk
- Jon Tribble
- Miriam Goodman
- Mary Kinzie