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June 1998

Auguste Rodin, "Standing Nude with Draperies," 1900.

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

This issue is sold out.
  • Marvin Bell
  • John Brehm
  • Kevin Craft
  • T. Eliot
  • Elizabeth Grainger
POETRY Magazine cover of June 1998 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine ONE POSSIBLE MEANING

      By Charlie Smith
      This afternoon the park is filled with brides.
      Among varieties of persuasion the big trees turn back toward the forest.
      Adventurers gather in side streets.
      The police are looking hard at the sky.
      Down at the bay, boys trapped in...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine SMOKE

      By Philip Levine
      Can you imagine the air filled with smoke?
      It was. The city was vanishing before noon
      or was it earlier than that? I can't say because
      the light came from nowhere and went nowhere.

      This was years ago, before...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine At the Poetry Reading

      By John Brehm
      I can’t keep my eyes off the poet’s
      wife’s legs—they’re so much more
      beautiful than anything he might
      be saying, though I’m no longer
      in a position really to judge,
      having stopped listening some time ago.
      He’s from the Iowa...

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