- A. Ammons
- A. Stallings
- Marianne Boruch
- Harry Clifton
- Joel Brouwer
From this Issue
poemBy A. R. AmmonsDid wind and wave design the albatross's wing,honed compliances: or is it effrontery tosuggest that the wing designed the gales andseas: are we guests here, then, with all thegratitude and soft-walking of the guest:provisions...
poemBy A.E. StallingsJust what I needed,Just when the dreams had almost totally receded,The dreams of roles for which I learned no lines and knew no cues,Dreams of pop quizzes with no pants on and no shoes,Just...
poemBy Marianne BoruchIt includes the butterfly and the rat, the shitdrying to chalk, treesfalling at an angle, taking those moistand buried rootballs with theminto deadly air. But someone willtell you the...
Table of Contents
A. R. Ammons
Harry Clifton
Joel Brouwer
Robert VanderMolen
Meghan O'Rourke
D. A. Powell
Roddy Lumsden
Donald Revell
W. S. Di Piero
Charles Bernstein
Glyn Maxwell
Todd Hearon
Jill Alexander Essbaum
Rae Armantrout
Nance Van Winckel
Geoffrey Brock
Charles Simic
Landis Everson
Sophie Cabot Black
Amit Majmudar
Joseph Bednarik
Marilyn Chin
Gwendolyn Jensen
The Editors
T.S. Kerrigan
Ginny Thompson
Robert King
The Editors
Llyn Clague
Lynn Levin
The Editors
Kathleen M. Du Haime
Dian Duchin Reed
The Editors
Ammon Allred
Daniel Robbins
Massimo Bacigalupo
Ed Allen
Hassel Ledbetter
Charles Thomas
Joanne Growney
Ruth Berman
- T.S. Kerrigan
- Ginny Thompson
- Robert King
- Llyn Clague
- Lynn Levin
- Kathleen M. Du Haime
- Dian Duchin Reed
- Ammon Allred
- Daniel Robbins
- Massimo Bacigalupo
- Ed Allen
- Hassel Ledbetter
- Charles Thomas
- Joanne Growney
- Ruth Berman