March 1936
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Morton Zabel
- Solon Barber
- Mildred Barker
- Katherine Chapin
- M. Chase
Table of Contents
Season Unknown
Raymond Hosken
Solon R. Barber
In the Pearl
Grace Baer Hollowell
The Spiral Stair
M. M. Chase
T. C. Wilson
Poems Because of Phyllis
Arthur Ebel Steig
David Cornel De Jong
Helen Neville
Katherine Garrison Chapin
L Robert Lind
So They Say
Grace Dorcas Ruthenburg
Morton Dauwen Zabel
Harriet Monroe
R. P. Blackmur
Harold Rosenberg
- C. A. Millspaugh
- Raymond Hosken
- Ernest O'Malley
- Solon R. Barber
- Grace Baer Hollowell
- M. M. Chase
- Mildred Amelia Barker
- T. C. Wilson
- Arthur Ebel Steig
- David Cornel De Jong
- Helen Neville
- Katherine Garrison Chapin
- L Robert Lind
- Grace Dorcas Ruthenburg
- Morton Dauwen Zabel
- Harriet Monroe
- R. P. Blackmur
- Harold Rosenberg