March 2002
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- William Aarnes
- Francesca Abbate
- Aaron Baker
- Annie Boutelle
- Roger Caldwell
From this Issue
poemBy Karen CraigoQuasi-scientific? Maybe.But think of beautician,a word that assumes lovelinessis brought off by technology.She prefers cosmetologist—how it seems to have somethingto do with the stars. She believesshe can see the futurewhen she...
poemBy Robin RobertsonIt is always the same:she is standing over mein the forest clearing,a dab of blood on her cheekfrom a rabbit or a deer.I am aware of nothingbut my mutinous flesh,and...
Table of Contents
Allison Funk
Lianne Spidel
J. P. White
Karen Craigo
Dannye Romine Powell
Elisavietta Ritchie
Connie Wanek
Robin Robertson
Annie Boutelle
Roger Caldwell
Kevin Meaux
Turner Cassity
Aaron Baker
Linda Gregerson
Thomas Pfau
Francesca Abbate
- Allison Funk
- Lianne Spidel
- J. P. White
- Karen Craigo
- Dannye Romine Powell
- Elisavietta Ritchie
- William Aarnes
- Connie Wanek
- Robin Robertson
- Annie Boutelle
- Roger Caldwell
- Kevin Meaux
- Turner Cassity
- Aaron Baker
- Linda Gregerson
- Thomas Pfau
- Francesca Abbate
- Paul Breslin