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March 2009

Victor Kerlow, "Hot and Cold Summer," 2008.

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Conor O'Callaghan
  • Aaron Poochigian
  • John Ashbery
  • Michael Chitwood
  • Mark Wunderlich
Image of poetry magazine cover March 2009
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine January Drought

      By Conor O'Callaghan
      It needn’t be tinder, this juncture of the year,   
      a cigarette second guessed from car to brush.   

      The woods’ parchment is given   
      to cracking asunder the first puff of wind.   
      Yesterday a big sycamore came across First   
      and Hawthorne and is there yet.   


    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine The Vigil

      By Aaron Poochigian
      Because he was as hard to handle   
      As truth, which we equate with light,   
      Go somewhere dark and hold a candle   
      For Alan Sullivan tonight.

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Uptick

      By John Ashbery
      We were sitting there, and   
      I made a joke about how   
      it doesn’t dovetail: time,   
      one minute running out   
      faster than the one in front   
      it catches up to.   
      That way, I said,   
      there can be no waste.   
      Waste is virtually eliminated.   

      To come back for a few...

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