Margaret's Question to the Elevator as Much as to the Man

the whole point of this is what she asked
of him      not who he thought he was      but what
whatever      his accomplishment could do
— and here’s the finer   point —   for whom—?

and if I follow that      up and down
the stories      I come to the landing
where she asks      even the elevator itself   anew but
inveterate      climber what it thinks it’s all about —

this getting   — nowhere up than down —   then out —
on the street leveled again      enough to look up. —   What
into balance     does that un-staggering
moment bring     fetch down?
                                                    We always did think up
there held treasures   like how to —
raise more   land out of what we had.   — but what
about us        what does up
there have to say to lift us?

up      if it’s into whiteness black ain’t      all that
interested.      all that      already got
it’s own god bless.      this chile know where it’s at.
all it’s asking is      what is it next      what

is his own up      to?
his own     could be we know how to      get down
deep and dirty into it      fuck it      through
the wall’s off the     see how deep is    down

existentially or       up out of  aspiration presupposedly
we blow into what we have taken in
and take over      the party
change affiliation to up      to somethin’

surreptitious as always have   had to
under to get over        over what we wanted
it to be. done. really over          the up to
now fulfilled.   the bloody running done its vaunted lip.
More Poems by Ed Roberson