May 1915
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Lucian Cary
- Alice Henderson
- Edgar Masters
- Harriet Monroe
- Ezra Pound
Table of Contents
Professor Emeritus Joseph Warren Beach
Root Buds
William Carlos Williams
Floyd Dell
Clara Shanafelt
Pouters and Fantails
Three Poems
Horace Holley
Mabel D. Carry
Louise Driscoll
Mary Aldis
Maurice Browne
Douglas Goldring
Comments and Reviews
Harriet Monroe
Ezra Pound
Harriet Monroe
Harriet Monroe
- Songs from the Clay, by James Stephens
- The Night Watchman and Other Poems, by Vance Thompson
- The Little King, by Witter Bynner
- Lyrics of a Lad, by Scharmel Iris
- At the Shrine by George Herbert Clarke; Remember Louvain, a Little Book of Liberty and War by E. V. Lucas; The Gypsy Trail, an Anthology for Campers by Pauline Goldmark, Mary Hopkins
Our Contemporaries
Alice Corbin Henderson
Charles Wharton Stork
Edgar Lee Masters
Lucian Cary
- Professor Emeritus Joseph Warren Beach
- William Carlos Williams
- Floyd Dell
- Clara Shanafelt
- Marianne Moore
- Horace Holley
- Mabel D. Carry
- Louise Driscoll
- Mary Aldis
- Maurice Browne
- Douglas Goldring
- Harriet Monroe