May 1916
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Alice Henderson
- Harriet Monroe
- Mary Aldis
- Maxwell Bodenheim
- Suzette Herter
Table of Contents
May in the City
Richard Hunt
Antoinette De Coursey Patterson
Daphne Kieffer Thompson
Charles L. O'Donnell
Sketches in Color
Amy Lowell
Suzette Herter
Mary Aldis
Editorial Comment
Harriet Monroe
Harriet Monroe
Max Michelson
Agnes Lee
Our Contemporaries
Alice Corbin Henderson
- Allen Upward
- Max Michelson
- Richard Hunt
- Antoinette De Coursey Patterson
- Daphne Kieffer Thompson
- Charles L. O'Donnell
- Maxwell Bodenheim
- Amy Lowell
- Suzette Herter
- Mary Aldis