May 1925
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Harriet Monroe
- Countee Cullen
- Glenn Dresbach
- Lillian Middleton
- Grace Ruthenburg
Table of Contents
Two Texas Legends
Ottys Sanders
A Few More Poems
Paul Tanaquil
Countee Cullen
Helene Vacaresco
The Dancer and Other Poems
Harriet Monroe
Edward Sapir
Margery Swett Mansfield
Raymond Knister
Harriet Monroe
Sara Bard Field
- Ottys Sanders
- Frances Shaw
- Glenn Ward Dresbach
- Lillian Middleton
- Grace H Ruthenburg
- Paul Tanaquil
- Countee Cullen
- Helene Vacaresco
- Isidor Schneider
- Harriet Monroe
- Edward Sapir
- Margery Swett Mansfield
- Raymond Knister
- Sara Bard Field