May 1934
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Harriet Monroe
- William Williams
- Morton Zabel
- Laura Benet
- Stanley Blackpool
Table of Contents
Jesse Stuart
Laura Benet
William Davidson
Two Poems
Guy Carden
Dorothy Una Ratcliffe
Flashes over Basalt
Stanley Blackpool
Frances M. Frost
From China and Hawaii
Doris Durst
Harold Vinal
Frederick Ten Hoor
Swift Glimpses
Malvina Levine Rosen
Cary Ross
In Search
Isabel Perry Doughty
New Times on the Plains
Harriet Monroe
F. R. Leavis
Marianne Moore
Léonie Adams
Rolfe Humphries
William Gorman
Horace Gregory
Brief Notices
- Jesse Stuart
- Laura Benet
- William Davidson
- Guy Carden
- Dorothy Una Ratcliffe
- Stanley Blackpool
- Frances M. Frost
- Doris Durst
- Harold Vinal
- Frederick Ten Hoor
- Malvina Levine Rosen
- Cary Ross
- Isabel Perry Doughty
- Paul Engle
- Harriet Monroe
- F. R. Leavis
- Marianne Moore
- Léonie Adams
- Rolfe Humphries
- William Gorman
- Horace Gregory