May 1935
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Harriet Monroe
- Morton Zabel
- Marion Bliss
- Luella Boynton
- Guy Carden
Table of Contents
Native Hours
Hildegarde Flanner
Arkansas Poems
Richard Leon Spain
Guy Carden
Robert Wormhoudt
Roderick McKenzie
Two Poems
Gilbert Maxwell
Casual Seed
David Lear
Dipping Upward
John Mckinley Greenlee
Ruth Earnshaw
A. J. M. Smith
Luella Boynton
Israel Newman
Allan Seager
Welborn Hope
Marion Louise Bliss
Syllables of Silence
Robert Gildart
Harriet Monroe
Eunice Tietjens
Louise Bogan
Morton Dauwen Zabel
R. P. Blackmur
Raymond Holden