May 1980
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- William Baer
- Margaret Benbow
- Michael Blumenthal
- Stephen Clark
- J. Cullum
Table of Contents
William Baer
Vanessa Haley
Robert Wiljer
Celia Gilbert
Michael C. Blumenthal
Linda Gregerson
Alice Wirth Gray
Stephen Clark
Florence Grossman
Kelly Ivie
David M. Graham
Miles Krogfus
Gary Fincke
J. W. Cullum
Don Johnson
Nancy Hormel Reinert
Ralph Robin
Margaret Benbow
Donald Hall
- Eric Weil
- William Baer
- Vanessa Haley
- Robert Wiljer
- Celia Gilbert
- Michael C. Blumenthal
- Linda Gregerson
- Jeffrey Skinner
- Alice Wirth Gray
- Stephen Clark
- Florence Grossman
- Kelly Ivie
- David M. Graham
- Miles Krogfus
- Gary Fincke
- J. W. Cullum
- Don Johnson
- Nancy Hormel Reinert
- Ralph Robin
- Margaret Benbow
- Donald Hall