November 1920
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Anonymous
- Harriet Monroe
- Arthur Waley
- Susan Boogher
- Julia Cooley
Table of Contents
Amy Lowell
Antonin Proust
For Barbara
Florence Kiper Frank
Julia Cooley
Anne Deacon
Tasmanian Sketches
H. W. Stewart
Jack Merten
Edmund Wilson Jr.
Susan M. Boogher
Three Poems
Leo Grudsky
In Maine
Wallace Gould
Harriet Monroe
Harriet Monroe
Nelson Antrim Crawford
Marion Strobel
Arthur Waley
- Amy Lowell
- Antonin Proust
- Florence Kiper Frank
- Julia Cooley
- Anne Deacon
- H. W. Stewart
- Jack Merten
- Edmund Wilson Jr.
- Susan M. Boogher
- Leo Grudsky
- Wallace Gould
- Harriet Monroe
- Nelson Antrim Crawford
- Marion Strobel
- Arthur Waley
- Anonymous