November 1957
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- William Burford
- Katherine Hoskins
- Scharmel Iris
- Howard Nemerov
- Gil Orlovitz
Table of Contents
Constance Urdang
Marvin Solomon
Scharmel Iris
William Pillin
Katherine Hoskins
William Burford
Kenneth Rexroth
Hayden Carruth
- Howard Nemerov
- Jon Silkin
- Eda Lou Walton
- Ralph Pomeroy
- Gil Orlovitz
- Constance Urdang
- Marvin Solomon
- Scharmel Iris
- William Pillin
- Katherine Hoskins
- William Burford
- Kenneth Rexroth
- Hayden Carruth